The Luxury Car Hire Club
We pride ourselves on offering a personal & professional service focused on providing specialist products for individualists, groups, or families and friends.
The list of super cars available for rental demonstrates just how little The Luxury Car Hire Club has in common with the run of the mill car hire establishment.
Our Marbella office due to its high life location can now offer a very exclusive list of Super Yachts and Harley Davidson’s to their clients for hire.
Our Vision
We foresee the need for luxury, we have extended our product assortments to include complete lifestyle packages unlike any available on the market. This marked the beginning of the Luxury Car Hire Club division, which was inspired by Carlo Mason’s love for both Spain and Sports automobiles.
We see and feel the demand for luxury cars and yachts among seasonal inhabitants, who appreciate the unique experience of manoeuvering top of the line commodities but do not want the added expense or hassle of maintaining one, if they only spend a few months of the year in Spain.
Combined with his inner knowledge of Marbella, The Luxury Car Hire CLub insist that we know just what Marbella can offer to clients & we are prepared to bring this and more to people who want to experience the Marbella lifestyle on holiday.
Personal Service
For anyone who has ever imagined arriving at the airport and detouring the car hire queues, our personal service guarantees a simple and enjoyable alternative to securing your luxury car hire.
We personally deliver your rental vehicle to the location of choice and provide personalized instruction on your car’s features by professionally trained staff.
Because we operate only our own vehicles and yachts we manage our own deliveries, you can rest assured that the service you have hired will run efficiently and as to your expectations.
Carlo Mason